How do you face uncertainty?

Life is full of uncertainty. Life is uncertainty. If we want to do well in life, we have to learn how to navigate its uncertainty.

I would say that there are two ways to face uncertainty: with fear or with curiosity.

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My Last Lecture

A few days ago, I was preparing a presentation I had to deliver in front of a group. The presentation was supposed to be my “last lecture,” or the message I would like to deliver to the world if it were my last chance.

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How Creation Works

All creations start from nothing, from the void. Yet this void can also be called “the infinite potential” because anything can emerge from it. Everything is possible.

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What Happened To Your Dreams?

We all had dreams. No matter your age, there was a time 10, 20, or 30 years ago—or even longer! —when you had ideas about how you wanted your life to be.

Dreams about your career, your lifestyle, your legacy. Your ideas about who you were going to spend that life with, what the place you called “home” was going to look like.

As life unfolded, you may have become discouraged, hurt, or just busy and so stopped pursuing those dreams. You settled for something completely different. You gave up your dreams.

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Money as Commitment

Commitment is a personal decision to something: to lose weight, be a better parent, learn a language, take care of someone… whatever it is, you name it.

When you commit, you’re deciding to invest your time, energy, and other resources to reach a certain goal or to pursue a certain direction in life.

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